Frequently Asked Questions
Do you accept Private Health funds?
Yes. We have HICAPS available at the Clare Medical Centre, so you can claim instantly if you have podiatry cover, often with no out of pocket expenses.
You may wish to enquire to your private health fund about certain podiatry codes for services:
F004 / F012 - Appointments
F302 / F221 - 3D scanning / custom orthotics
Can I claim benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Home Care Packages, or Return to Work SA (formerly WorkCover)?
Yes. Bonnie is a registered provider for these programs. For eligible clients there is no out of pocket expenses.
Referrals or inclusions into your plans need to be established prior to your podiatry appointment to receive the benefit.
Does Medicare subsidise podiatry services?
Only through an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan drawn up by your doctor, for eligible clients with diabetes or a chronic health condition. It's important to speak with your doctor to have your eligibility assessed and a plan drawn up before presenting for a podiatry appointment.
EPC's are a Medicare initiative, and many people who have diabetes or another chronic health condition may be eligible for up to five (5) subsidised podiatry appointments each year.
Do I need a referral?
No. Referrals to Sole Wellness Podiatry are not required, however there are some instances you may require one through your GP, certified health professional or package coordinator, such as if you'll be accessing funding through an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan, DVA, Return to Work (formerly WorkCover), Home Care Package, or the NDIS.